父親であるレギス国王が治める王都インソムニアは、ニフルハイム帝国の襲撃を受ける。 故郷を取り戻す為に立ち上がるノクティス王子。長く過酷な旅の始まりを予感させる、 FFXVのCM。 今回はこの"FFXVのCM"そのものを、ゲームデータエンジンを使い、 ゲーム映像内のキャラクターやアイテム等を自由に作り変える「MOD(モッド)」という手法にヒントを得て、 無理矢理CM内に登場する映像のいろんな部分を差し替え、カップヌードルのCMに作り替えています。 その為、このCMにストーリーは存在しません!視聴者を「えっこれFFXVのCMじゃないの!?」と 驚かせながら、最後に「CUP NOODLE XV(=カップヌードル15種)当る」と、 FFXV発売を記念した謎のカップヌードルのキャンペーンへと誘導していきます。 The prince Noctis is standing up to get his homeland back. This FF15'S TVCM makes you feel the beginning of long and harsh adventure.
This Cupnoodle's TVCM was made by replacing some original characters or items of FF15 to Cupnoodle. And it will trick you into thinking as if it is a FF15's TVCM. Therefore this TVCM doesn't tell you any story until [WIN CUP NOODLE XV] message comes out in very end. This TVCM leads you to the campaign of Cupnoodle which celebrates the launch of FFXV.
New Album "METAL RESISTANCE” iTunes pre-order begins! BABYMETAL’s New Album 「METAL RESISTANCE」 will be released simultaneously worldwide on “FOX DAY” Apr-1st, 2016(fri) . Pre-order your copy from iTunes now!! New song “KARATE" is currently available digitally!! https://itunes.apple.com/artist/babym...
■大江戸温泉物語公式サイト:http://www.ooedoonsen.jp/daiba/index.html It was initially built for defensive purposes in the 1850s, dramatically expanded during the late 20th century as a seaport district, and has developed since the 1990s as a major commercial, residential and leisure area. Odaiba, along with Minato Mirai 21 in Yokohama, are two of the only places in the Greater Tokyo Metropolitan area where the seashore is accessible, and not blocked by industry and harbor areas.
美瑛、富良野の秋と冬の風景。 秋には大地が黄金色に輝き、冬にはダイヤモンドダストやサンピラー現象も見られ、 自然界の美しさを堪能できる季節。 日本一とも言われるパウダースノーでのスキーも是非。 Hokkaido landscape change of season is intense. Autumn(September-October) becomes gold, winter(November to February) is pure white. it snows for the first time of the season at the beginning of November at FURANO and BIEI. Hokkaido powder snow will have been said to be the best in the Japan.