
Gion Matsuri Kyoto JAPAN 2016 祇園祭 前祭山鉾巡行


 古くは平安時代に疫病・災厄の除去を祈った祇園御霊会を始まりとする八坂神社の祭礼。 1ヶ月にわたり様々な神事・行事 。 期間: 7月1日~7月31日; 場所: 八坂神社京都市東山区祇園町北側625番地

Gion Matsuri Festival is one of the three Japanese top festival. 
It has been held in Kyoto since Heian era, when bad disease killed a lot of people. 
The festival started for people to pray to God for stopping it. It is a summer festival from July 1st to 31st. On July 17th, Yamahoko, grand historical floats, parade around streets and entertain many tourists from inside and outside Japan.